We continue School Board Appreciation Week here at HSD. Today, get to know School Board Vice Chair Linda Heerde! https://www.harrisburgdistrict41-2.org/article/1008661
almost 2 years ago, Harrisburg School District
It's School Board Appreciation Week! Each day this week, we'll highlight a different school board member. In this article, get to know HSD School Board Chairperson Mike Knudson. Thank you for your service to our District, Mike! 🐾 https://www.harrisburgdistrict41-2.org/article/1007878
almost 2 years ago, Harrisburg School District
It's School Board Appreciation Week! Each day this week, we'll highlight a different school board member. In this article, get to know HSD School Board Chairperson Mike Knudson. Thank you for your service to our District, Mike! 🐾
almost 2 years ago, Harrisburg School District
Today is National SRO Appreciation Day! Officer Johns ensures the safety of the staff and students at HHS and helps develop fundamental relationships between youth and law enforcement. If you see OJ today, make sure to give him a big high five! 🐾
almost 2 years ago, Harrisburg School District
national sro day
HSD Community Education had such an amazing response for our first Yoga class, we've added another! Spots are LIMITED and will fill up quickly. REGISTER HERE: https://bit.ly/3E6QDsa
almost 2 years ago, Harrisburg School District
It's CTE Month! DECA is HHS's business education student organization. Download their podcast to learn how HHS students learning to become leaders in the world of business. #CTEMonth #TigersWork https://harrisburg412.buzzsprout.com/
almost 2 years ago, Harrisburg School District
Congratulations to all members on a FANTASTIC Region VI Meeting in Marion.  Shout-out to Alexandra Thurston for being installed as Region VI Treasurer and to Payton Colten & Zaynah Qamar for receiving a gold rating on their professional presentation.  What a great day to be a Harrisburg FCCLA member!   
almost 2 years ago, Tracy Kern
PIcture 1
HHS State Educators Rising state officers, Elle Swenson and Kyra Johnson, and HOSA state officer, Sierra Stiff, shared with legislatures the benefits and leadership opportunities with their selected CTSO organization. We are #TigerProud of these future leaders! #TigerWorks
almost 2 years ago, Tracy Kern
State Officers
Thank you to all Harrisburg FFA, FCCLA, HOSA, Educators Rising, and DECA members who helped at Feeding South Dakota today to help celebrate #CTEmonth! #TigersWorks
almost 2 years ago, Tracy Kern
Picture 1
Do you have a high school student athlete and have questions about the college recruiting process? HSD Community Ed is offering a course for families with questions. Join HHS Football Coach Brandon White as he walks you through the process. Register here: https://bityl.co/GJNn
almost 2 years ago, Harrisburg School District
It's CTE Month and ProStart is spicing it up.! The HHS Culinary Arts / ProStart Level 1 is hosting the Great Chili-Cook Off with their amazing creations. 24 different varieties are being judged by HHS Staff. May the best chili prevail!
almost 2 years ago, HHS Culinary Arts / Prostart
Chili Cook Off!
Get it while it's hot
Loads of chili heating up
Judging critique
ACT testing on February 11th will be held at LEAP High instead of the High School. The building is located on the west side of the high school campus.
almost 2 years ago, Harrisburg School District
act location change
Saturday School has been canceled for tomorrow, January 28th.
almost 2 years ago, Harrisburg School District
saturday school canceled
Navigating the recruiting process for student-athletes can be stressful and fast-paced. Keep up to date with the latest developments in recruitment by joining HHS football coach Brandon White for this four-session class. Parents will learn what classes students should take in high school, what forms and paperwork need to be filled out, tips on self-promotion, and how to make a list of priorities that will help you select the right sport for your student athlete. ‼️ Sign-up before registration closes! ‼️ #HSDCommEd 🔗 https://bit.ly/3R8taME
almost 2 years ago, Harrisburg School District
register now
Shout out to Mount Marty College on hosting EdRising students today. Harrisburg members had a wonderful time listening to speakers and learning about the field of education. Today's event is helping cultivate the next generation of educators. @mountmarty @EdRisingSD
almost 2 years ago, Tracy Kern
Picture 1
See what happens when Star Wars & The Princess Bride join forces @ the HHS production of Space Princess Wars! Shows: 7PM January 30 & 31 @ the Harrisburg High School Performing Arts Center. Tickets are $3: https://www.vancoevents.com/BMZZ
almost 2 years ago, HHS Drama Club
Come to the HHS PAC @ 7:30 PM TONIGHT to watch the HHS Show Choir, ECLIPSE, perform their 2023 show!
almost 2 years ago, Harrisburg Fine Arts
Some incoming calls continue to experience issues getting through to the District. We are being told this may be a cell provider issue, specifically those who subscribe to Verizon or their affiliate companies. Please email your administrative assistant if you are unable to reach the District. https://bit.ly/3WvjRay
almost 2 years ago, Harrisburg School District
phone issues
‼️ There will be a 2-Hour Late Start in Harrisburg School District today, Thursday, January 19. 🚌 BUSES WILL RUN WHERE POSSIBLE.. No breakfast will be served, and there will be no before-school childcare.
almost 2 years ago, Harrisburg School District
late start
There will be a 2-Hour Late Start tomorrow, Thursday, January 19th. Buses will run two hours late. No breakfast will be served, and there will be no before school childcare. Weather conditions will be assessed again in the morning.
almost 2 years ago, Harrisburg School District
late start