April 29, 2019
On Friday, April 26, two Horizon classrooms came together for a special project and found great success! Mr. Koranda's 2nd grade class had been studying habitats in Science, expl...

April 2, 2019
Each classroom teacher nominated a Tiger On Track (ToT) for the month of March. ToT's demonstrated the following Habit of Mind - Persisting: Stick to it! Persevering in task...

April 2, 2019
Horizon learners participated in a Read-a-thon that included a teacher “cake” eating contest to kick it off, dress up days that included dress like favorite your favorit...
March 21, 2019
Love and belonging are part of Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs. Once one's physiological needs such as breathing, water, food, etc. and the feeling of security and safety are met, a p...

March 17, 2019
Congratulations to Horizon Elementary Teacher/Coach Dez Parmenter! Dez Parmenter, Head Harrisburg girls soccer coach, has been selected as the Section 5 recipient of the “National...

March 5, 2019
Each classroom teacher nominated a Tiger On Track (ToT) for the month of February. ToT's demonstrated the following Habit of Mind - Creating, Imagining, and Innovating: Try a di...

February 23, 2019
The Jr. Kindergarteners were so excited to see all of the snow pile up outside of our window this week. We decided to embrace it by building snow forts for a STEAM and H...

February 21, 2019
Did you happen to catch us on KDLT News this evening? Our brand new issue will be available exclusively digitally tomorrow. You'll be able to get first chance to check out our fr...

February 11, 2019
During the week of January 28 th - February 1 st , Horizon Elementary celebrated “ Soup-er Bowl Week .” The Student Council challenged students to bring in canned or boxed food i...

February 8, 2019
The Harrisburg Tigers Volleyball Camp is organized and run by Harrisburg Volleyball coaches and players. At the camp, participants can expect skills lessons, volleyball games, and...

February 5, 2019
First grade celebrated the 101st day of 1st grade with fun shirts and 101 Dalmatians. Our shirts had 101 items and/or a fun saying about 101 days of school.

January 11, 2019
Harrisburg Public Schools will be registering children for Junior Kindergarten and Kindergarten for the 2019-20 school year. Children must be five (5) by September 1, 2019 to be e...

December 13, 2018
Junior Kindergarteners and Kindergarteners celebrated the holidays a little bit differently on December 12 th ! We celebrated Grinch-Mas! Learners got to dress up as their favorit...

October 24, 2018
Registration is open for the November 3rd Science Saturday! This session will have a “HALLOWEEN” theme. Have your 3rd-5th grade student join us Saturday, November 3rd, from 9am ...

October 15, 2018
Check out these points as to why now is not the time to be building a second high school.

October 10, 2018
Harrisburg Family EdCamp - Making Families Stronger.
Utilizing the expertise, talents and skills of the Harrisburg School District staff, as well as partnering with community a...

October 4, 2018
Check out this awesome news story about the HHS Soccer team and their Head Coach, Horizon's own Mrs. Parmenter. Stories like these happen throughout the district as Harrisburg s...

October 2, 2018
These learners were nominated by their classroom teachers for exhibiting the following Habit of Mind throughout the first month of school - Responding with wonderment and awe:...