This learner was nominated for #GoodNewsCallOfTheDay by Miss Lichty. He has been working hard on tasks and following PAWS expectations. @pringarrett
1 day ago, Principal Garrett
good news
Mrs. Kerkaert nominated this learner for #TheGoodNewsCallOfTheDay for rocking her PAWS expectations each day, being a kind friend, and being a kindergarten role model. #TigerProud @pringarrett
2 days ago, Principal Garrett
Good News
Miss S Hansen nominated this learner for #TheGoodNewsCallOfTheDay. He. is very helpful in the classroom and frequently kindly reminds friends of expectations. He seeks out peers who may be sad/lonely and invites them to play with him. @pringarrett
4 days ago, Principal Garrett
Mrs. Kraayenbrink nominated this learner for #TheGoodNewsCallOfTheDay. He is a hard worker and rocks PAWS expectations each day. He is an amazing role model for his class. Nice work buddy! @pringarrett
5 days ago, Principal Garrett
Good News
The February Habit Of Mind focus was Creating, Imagining & Innovating. Teachers nominated learners from each classroom who were spotted looking for creative ways to solve problems or finding alternative possibilities. Congratulations to all our creative thinkers who were recognized at the February Assembly!
7 days ago, Principal Garrett
Habits Of Mind
Congratulations to all the February "PAWS itive" Note Winners. They were recognized at the February All School Assembly! @pringarrett
7 days ago, Principal Garrett
Paws Note
Miss Hansen nominated this learner for #TheGoodNewsCallOfTheDay. She has blossomed into a dependable helper and classroom leader. She is persistent when things get tough and is a very determined learner! She will stick with something until she’s figured it out… even while working on a 500 piece puzzle! @pringarrett
9 days ago, Principal Garrett
Good news
Mrs. Moes nominated this learner for #TheGoodNewsCallOfThe Day as she always follows P.A.W.S., fills her peer’s buckets, helps others, and follows our class motto “do good, be good” day in and day out! I am so lucky to have her in my class! Thank you for spreading kindness everywhere you go! @pringarrett
10 days ago, Principal Garrett
Good News
Congratulations to the Horizon singers who represented our school at the first ever Harrisburg Elementary Honors Choir. They performed this evening with over 100 singers from across the district. Thank your to Miss Dahl and the district fine arts administrators, Dr. Berg and Mrs. Archer, who made this event a success!
11 days ago, Principal Garrett
Honor Choir
Honor Choir 2
Miss Hansen nominated this learner for #TheGoodNewsCallOfTheDay. He is always one of the first learners to jump in and help without being asked. He is kind to everyone and always has a smile on his face! @pringarrett
15 days ago, Principal Garrett
Good News
This learner was nominated by Miss Hansen for #TheGoodNewsCallOfTheDay. She is always willing to go the extra mile to help her friends and teachers. She loves taking on leadership roles and can always be counted on to be a great friend! @pringarrett
16 days ago, Principal Garrett
Miss Klemisch nominated this learner for #TheGoodNewsCallOfTheDay. She has been working extra hard this year on her reading and rocked her NWEA test. She also takes time out of her morning to read to some of our tiny tigers! So proud of her! @pringarrett
17 days ago, Principal Garrett
Good News
Miss Wieman nominated this learner for #TheGoodNewsCallOfTheDay. She has been working so hard on math and grammar and has been very helpful with peers and myself. @pringarrett
18 days ago, Principal Garrett
Good News
Good Afternoon, Tigers! There will be a 2-hour late start tomorrow, Tuesday, February 18th. Buses will run 2 hours late. No breakfast will be served, and there will be no before school childcare. 🐾
19 days ago, Harrisburg School District
2 hour late start
This learner has been putting in tremendous effort toward his academics and is making great progress by using effective strategies to stay focused & complete his work. I am incredibly proud of the thoughtful choices he has made this week! He was nominated for #TheGoodNewsCall by his 1st grade team. @pringarrett
23 days ago, Principal Garrett
This learner was nominated for #TheGoodNewsCallOfTheDay. She completed all her tasks today, participated in all activities and was a role model in music! @pringarrett
24 days ago, Principal Garrett
Good News
Mrs. Maxwell’s 3rd graders are celebrating Random Acts of Kindness Day (February 17th) ALL MONTH LONG! Today they walked the halls of our school picking up garbage.
25 days ago, Principal Garrett
Mrs. Christensen nominated this learner for #TheGoodNewsCallOfTheDay. She has been a great role model and friend to our new learner. She has made her feel welcome and helped her through her first day at Horizon! She even went out on her own and brought her a welcome gift. @pringarrett
25 days ago, Principal Garrett
🐯 Meet the Tiger boys' basketball players and cheerleaders! Autographs and pictures with the team! Special appearance by Harris! Friday, February 21st 7pm
29 days ago, HHS CHEER
Black  Basketball Match Flyer
Mrs. Wells nominated this learner for #TheGoodNewsCallOfTheDay because she had an AMAZING week! She has worked so hard in all of her classes & was a wonderful role model for positive expectations this week! @pringarrett
29 days ago, Principal Garrett
Good News