This learner has from 4K, has persevered to learn long division. He can now easily divide using a dividend in the trillions by a one or two digit divisor (5th grade standard). We shared #TheGoodNewsCallOfTheDay with mom on Friday.
This learner was nominated for #TheGoodNewsCallOfTheDay by Mrs. K Nielsen. He has been rocking all of his small groups, completing all of his work with accuracy and with a great attitude! He has shown excellent PAWS expectations throughout the day! @pringarrett
Thank you to Crosswalk Community Church for always knowing just when Horizon Staff needs a day brightner!
This learner has continually worked hard on his sight words each week but has stayed on list #8, which consists of very challenging words, for a few weeks now. This week he persisted and mastered List #8! We shared #TheGoodNewsCallOfTheDay with dad! @pringarrett
This learner has done a great job following PAWS expectations & has been following directions after the first request. As a bonus, he donated one of his plastic water bottles to another learner for her science project! We called mom to share #TheGoodNewsCallOfTheDay @pringarrett
Mrs. J Nielsen nominated this 3rd grader for #TheGoodNewsCallOfTheDay. He goes above and beyond to take care of the classroom and shared learning spaces and is always one of the first to volunteer when asked to help others. @pringarrett
Ms. Zeigler nomintaed this learner for #TheGoodNewsCallOfTheDay. He rocked his coaching session during math! He was patient with his learning and persisted to show how to add and subtract within 100 using place value strategies. @pringarrett
Sunday Surprise - not quite what we are used to seeing in the bus loop! @prinparrett
This learner was nominated for the #GoodNewsCallOfTheDay for her positive attitude positive! She is respectful in small groups & is determined to stay on task despite distractions around her. She pays attention, tries her best, & has been reaching goals in reading! @pringarrett
Some incoming calls continue to experience issues getting through to the District. We are being told this may be a cell provider issue, specifically those who subscribe to Verizon or their affiliate companies. Please email your administrative assistant if you are unable to reach the District.
This learner persisted & took initiative to do what was best for his learning. He moved onto iPractice during math and noticed he didn’t quite understand the material. He asked if he could redo the iLearn to better understand the content. #TheGoodNewsCallOfTheDay @pringarrett
We had a lot of extra help today getting the playground and parking lot ready for our staff and learners today. Please remember cars must be parked in a parking spot or in the loop before learners get out. Thank you for your patience as we get everyone safely in the building!
‼️ There will be a 2-Hour Late Start in Harrisburg School District today, Thursday, January 19. 🚌 BUSES WILL RUN WHERE POSSIBLE.. No breakfast will be served, and there will be no before-school childcare.
There will be a 2-Hour Late Start tomorrow, Thursday, January 19th. Buses will run two hours late. No breakfast will be served, and there will be no before school childcare. Weather conditions will be assessed again in the morning.
This learner helped to support a classmate to get to recess. She offered to build a snowman and go find another friend to play with. Her encoragement was kind and appreciated. We called mom and celebrated with #TheGoodNews CallOfTheDay @pringarrett
🐾 Do you have a child who will be five (5) on or before September 1, 2023? ⭐️‼️ JK/KINDERGARTEN REGISTRATIONS ARE NOW OPEN! ‼️⭐️ Visit to register and for more information. 👍 Like & Share ↪️ to spread the word!
Mrs. Willett nominated this learner for #TheGoodNewsCallOfTheDay. At morning drop off, she noticed another learner needed assistance walking up to the doors as he was running late. She was happy to support this learner and made sure he got into school safely! @pringarrett
Mrs. Zeigler nominated this learner for #TheGoodNewsCallOfTheDay. He has has been focused & setting and reaching goals in literacy rotations. #TigerProud @pringarrett
This artist followed PAWS Expectations and was a leader in his art class. Mrs. Archer stated he set a positive example for his entire class and helped others in need. #TheGoodNewsCallOfTheDay @pringarrett