The celebrations continue! #TeamHorizon hosted two wedding card showers recently. Congratulations to the newly married Mrs. Chambers and bride-to-be, Ms. Magera! All the best to you both!
Happy “S” day from JK! We celebrated by wearing sunglasses to school! @pringarrett
Today #TeamHorizon celebrated four amazing Student Teachers who are preparing for graduation. Congratulations, Miss Phillips, Miss Gleason, Miss Mack, and Miss McClure! Tigers are definitely #BetterTogether - you will be missed! Wishing you all the best!
JK learners donated $1,205.57 from our dog treat fundraiser to B-Squad Dog Rescue today!
Thank you Horizon Families for providing the staff with a nacho bar today. We appreciate your kindness! @pringarrett
Mr. Franken nominated this learner for the #GoodNewsCalloftheDay after her hard work on the NWEA reading test! Horizon is #TigerProud!
The first grade classes had the most pledges for the Dance-a-thon on Tuesday and earned Tiger Spirit day that included face painting by Mrs. Archer, Mrs Reiland, and Ms. Bowers. @pringarrett
May the 4th be with you! @pringarrett
Thank you Horizon PTO for sponsoring the Food Truck in honor of Teacher/Staff Appreciation Week today! @pringarrett #LunchBoxSuFU
Shout out to this young man for creativity, growth, and the ability to envision his goals! He was Horizon's #GoodNewsCalloftheDay!
This learner assisted a 1st grader make good choices and supported him through the long breakfast line. We shared the #GoodNewsCallOfTheDay with mom. @pringarrett #DonutDay
The last day of school will be a TWO HOUR EARLY RELEASE on Thursday, May 19th.
Congratulations to our April Paws-itive Note drawing winners. These learners were spotted by a staff member during the month of April demonstrating PAWS behavior. @pringarrett
Congratulations to Mrs. Jacobsen and the combined 5th grade bands of Freedom, Horizon and Liberty on a successful band concert to end their inaugural year. @pringarrett
This learner was nominated for #GoodNewsCallOfTheDay by Miss Klemisch. She has worked extra hard to catch up on math since being absent. This learner is also always on task and demonstrating PAWS expectations daily! #TigerProud @pringarrett
Active COVID Cases Snapshot:
HHS : 1-3,
North Middle School : 0,
South Middle School : 0,
Adventure Elementary : 0,
Endeavor Elementary : 0,
Explorer Elementary : 0,
Freedom Elementary : 1-3,
Horizon Elementary : 0,
Journey Elementary : 0,
Liberty Elementary :0
Our Boosterthon Fundraiser has begun. Check out the team flags! @pringarrett
This learner has demonstrated creativity and his best craftsmanship in art class. We are tiger proud to recognize him as our #GoodNewsCallOfTheDay! @pringarrett
The Freedom, Horizon, and Liberty Band students will be taking the HHS stage for their concert on April 28 @ 7 PM. Hope to see you there!
Reminder Tiger Spirit Wear can be ordered through the Horizon PTO here