Mr. Eriksen was thankful for this 4th grader's good deed and nominated her for #GoodNewsCallOfTheDay. " When I was on morning recess duty I was unaware my school ID had fallen off of my keys and she found it and brought it right to me," - Mr. E. @pringarrett
over 3 years ago, Principal Garrett
good news
It is sack lunch picnic day @ Horizon Elementary for our final day of Homecoming Week! #GoTigers @pringarrett
over 3 years ago, Principal Garrett
Yesterday during the 24 mph winds a 1st grader had a very special paper blow out of his hand after school. This learner ran around the school to get it and walked it back to the student. #KindnessMatters #GoodNewsCallOfTheDay @pringarrett
over 3 years ago, Principal Garrett
Good news
This Kinder Kid greets me by name daily and has since day 2 of school. It is a great way to start my day and we shared the #GoodNewsCallOfTheDay with mom! @pringarrett #BeKind
over 3 years ago, Principal Garrett
Good news
Howdy from Horizon Elementary! #GoTigers #Homecoming2021 @pringarrett
over 3 years ago, Principal Garrett
This learner was being a nice human and helped pick up a book box that was knocked over in the classroom. She took care of it and continued with her task. We called with #TheGoodNewsCallOfTheDay. @pringarrett
over 3 years ago, Principal Garrett
Good news
HHS : 4, North Middle School : 1-3, South Middle School : 1-3, Adventure Elementary : 1-3, Endeavor Elementary : 0, Explorer Elementary : 1-3, Freedom Elementary : 1-3, Horizon Elementary : 1-3, Journey Elementary : 1-3, Liberty Elementary : 1-3
over 3 years ago, Harrisburg School District
It is Homecoming Week in Harrisburg. Minnesota is in the School for Jersey Day. #GoTigers @pringarrett
over 3 years ago, Principal Garrett
Jersey Day
Jesery Day
jersey day
Mrs. Nielsen nominated this kinder kid for the #GoodNewsCallOfTheDay. He is always being a great helper around the classroom, a role model to his peers and a student I can always count on to jump in and help in anyway! @pringarrett
over 3 years ago, Principal Garrett
Good News
Are you currently a 2nd-8th grader? Then sign-up for the HHS Drama Club Drama Camp! Camp is October 16 from 9AM-4PM @ HHS. Cost is $35 and includes t-shirt, lunch, snack, workshops, and public performance. Questions: Register:
over 3 years ago, HHS Drama Club
Are you in need of childcare on our Early Release days for your elementary student? EMBE and Boys & Girls Club both provide after school care.
over 3 years ago, Harrisburg School District
This learner was a big help today bringing all the books from the 5th Grade Book Tasting back to the library. Mrs. Reiland appreciated the help for her new library assistant. Dad helped celebrate with the #GoodNewsCallOfTheDay ! @pringarrett
over 3 years ago, Principal Garrett
Good News Call of The day
It’s Homecoming Week! Please note the important information below regarding this week’s festivities: 🗓 Early Release We will have an Early Release on Friday prior to the Parade. HHS – 11:35 AM, Middle School – 11:45 AM, Elementary School – 12:00 PM 🎉 Parade: The parade leaves HHS at 1:30 PM and will end between approximately 2:30 – 2:45 PM. 👩‍👧‍👦 Parade Participants: ⭐️ Are you or your child RIDING on A FLOAT in the parade? Float RIDERS are encouraged to gather at an alternate location and CARPOOL to HHS. ➡️ Float Riders should ENTER VIA TIGER WAY. 🗺 View the map for full details and entrance locations and parking. ( ⭐️ ⭐️ Are you driving a float in the parade? ➡️ Parade FLOATS should ENTER the HHS parking lot through VIA WILLOW STREET. 🗺 View the map for full details and entrance locations. ( 🎈 Parade Spectators For the safety of children, please monitor children and keep them away from approaching floats. ⚠️ Road Closures - Plan Ahead Some roads and intersections will be closed just prior to and during the parade (approximately 1:15 PM). 🗺 View the map for full details and alternate routes ( Roads will be reopened as the end of the parade passes
over 3 years ago, Harrisburg School District
Where do you find creativity and joy in your life? How do the arts bring you energy? #ArtsEdWeek #TigerBest
over 3 years ago, Harrisburg School District
art is life
I enjoyed a visit to 2VZ today to share one of my favorite books, The Very Hungry Caterpillar, and have the students help tell it through puppets. @pringarrett #SecondGradeTeacher
over 3 years ago, Principal Garrett
Caterpillar fun!
caterpillar Fun 2
This 5th grader was nominated for the #GoodNewsCallOfTheDay for demonstrating Community & Belonging by letting a friend; who was making fun of a student for what they were wearing, know that anyone can wear anything & that it wasn't nice to make fun of that student. @pringarrett
over 3 years ago, Principal Garrett
good news!
First day of band at Horizon Elementary with over 40 musicians joining band. Horizon and the band is growing! Check out some of our staff who played in their school band. @pringarrett #IAmWithTheBand
over 3 years ago, Principal Garrett
I am with the band!
🎟 HHS now offers e-tickets for select high-volume athletic events! Visit to purchase tickets for football, competitive cheer/dance and volleyball or visit our website!
over 3 years ago, Harrisburg School District
2VZ invited me into their classroom today to show how hard they have been working on building their independent reading stamina. The entire class is receiving the #GoodNewsCallOfTheDay for their persistence and managing impulses! @pringarrett
over 3 years ago, Principal Garrett
Good News
This learner was nominated for the #GoodNewsCallOfTheDay for his curiosity, perseverance, and over all having a positive growth mindset. Mom was excited to share in the news! @pringarrett
over 3 years ago, Principal Garrett
good news