This learner was nominated by Mrs. Nielsen for continually being committed to learning and working hard, even when he is challenged. His persistence is awesome and Mom got the #GoodNewsCalloftheDay! @pringarrett
Here's what's happening around Harrisburg & community this week!
This Kinder Kid took a responsible risk today in his book selection. He is stretching himself and taking on challenge words. Mom was very appreciative to receive the #GoodNewsCallOfTheDay @pringarrett
Mrs. Nielsen and 1N were teaching us at Monday Morning Meeting to take responsible risks to stretch ourselves and try new things. 1N reached outside their comfort zone and did a dance/song number for the entire school. @ pringarrett
Our amazing JK/K Team from Horizon extending their learning on a Saturday in Minneapolis. #ContinuousLearning #Collaboration @pringarrett
This Firstie was spotted in music taking responsible risks, participating in movement and singing activities. Dad received the #GoodNewsCallOfTheDay @pringarrett
This learner called his grandparents to give them the #GoodNewsCallOfTheDay. We shared that he is kind and helpful each day at school. @pringarrett
Come to the NMS PAC on Monday, November 18 @ 7PM and enjoy some beautiful music by the 3rd grade Horizon students!!
This learner worked hard on PAWS expectations and helped clean her kindergarten classroom. Grandpa was thrilled to get the #GoodNewsCallOfTheDay @pringarrett
This learner took a risk, tasted new books, shared what he learned about himself as a reader during the Starbooks event in 1N. We gave grandma the #GoodNewsCallOfTheDay @pringarrett
The #GoodNewsCallOfTheDay goes out to Mrs. Anderson and this crew for hosting our own Horizon Veterans for lunch. There was a photo booth, the Star Spangled Banner was sung, sweet treats, red, white, & blue decorations & great conversations. #ThankYou4YourService @pringarrett
Ready to welcome Horizon Family Veterans fo lunch today! @pringarrett
This Kinder is a Tiger Role Model in the lunchroom every day. We gave mom the #GoodNewsCallOfTheDay @pringarrett #GoVikings
Mrs. Garrett enjoyed teaching reading strategies to 3rd graders today through an activity called Guessed the Covered Word.
Mrs. Hudson nominated this Firstie for the #GoodNewsCallOfTheDay for pushing in chairs and helping with clean up after art class. @pringarrett
This learner was spotted teaching expectations for inside recess before school to a new learner at Horizon. We left mom a message to shout out the #GoodNewsCallOfTheDay @pringarrett
Winter weather is here! Please remember that all recesses will be held outdoors unless temperatures or wind chills fall below zero. Be sure to send coats, hats, gloves, and boots to school every day!
*Each item should be labeled with the owner's name. #StayWarm
This new learner to Horizon has rocked PAWS expectations, been a role model and made new friends. Dad received the #GoodNewsCallOfTheDay @pringarrett
Check out the latest events and happenings in the Harrisburg Community and District. 🐾
This K Kid received a PAWS note in the lunchroom and then worked super hard on her letter sounds in WIN group. Mom was thrilled to get the #GoodNewsCallOfTheDay. @pringarrett