Kick-off Homecoming Week by attending the HHS Tiger Variety Show Monday, September 30 @ 6PM in the HHS Performing Arts Center. Tickets can be purchased at the door. #Tigerbest
over 5 years ago, Harrisburg Fine Arts
variety show
Attention Harrisburg Families! The Harrisburg School District can offer some assistance to those affected by the recent tornado and storm. If you have been displaced from your home, please contact Tanya Rasmussen at 605-743-2567 ext. 3023 to determine what assistance can be offered. Harrisburg families can fill out a free and reduced meal application form at any time during the school year. If your income has recently changed as result of the storms, you can fill out our online free and reduced meal application located in the Campus Parent Portal. If you have any question or have difficulty with accessing the form please contact Chris Beach at 605-743-9031. #TigerStrong The Harrisburg School District is an equal opportunity provider.
over 5 years ago, Harrisburg School District
Impacted by Tornado?
Attention Harrisburg Families! The Harrisburg School District can offer some assistance to those affected by the recent tornado and storm. If you have been displaced from your home, please contact Tanya Rasmussen at 605-743-2567 ext. 3023 to determine what assistance can be offered. Harrisburg families can fill out a free and reduced meal application form at any time during the school year. If your income has recently changed as result of the storms, you can fill out our online free and reduced meal application located in the Campus Parent Portal. If you have any question or have difficulty with accessing the form please contact Chris Beach at 605-743-9031. #TigerStrong The Harrisburg School District is an equal opportunity provider.
over 5 years ago, Harrisburg School District
Impacted by Tornado?
Good Morning due to the late start students are not to arrive until 9:50 AM.
over 5 years ago, Principal Garrett
no school
Due to last night's storm, there will be a TWO-HOUR LATE START today, Wednesday, September 11th. Be safe, Tigers! 🐯 #TigerStrong
over 5 years ago, Harrisburg School District
Late Start
This learner was nominated for the #GoodNewsCallOfTheDay by Miss Van Zee for being a huge help to her and classmates in 3rd grade. @pringarrett
over 5 years ago, Principal Garrett
Good News
It's Day 2 of Arts in Education Week in Harrisburg! 🎨👩🏻‍🎨🐯❤️
over 5 years ago, Harrisburg School District
Arts in Education Week
🐯It's almost that time! If you are interested in registering your float in our Homecoming Parade on October 4th, please READ ALL DETAILS and fill out the linked form. Announcements about the parade itself will be made available after Tiger Bowl.
over 5 years ago, Harrisburg School District
Float Sign Up
Mrs. Ball nominated this learner for the #GoodNewsCallOfTheDay for always working hard and persisting through challenging tasks with a positive attitude. He loves to spread his positivity by making his teachers and classmates laugh! @pringarrett
over 5 years ago, Principal Garrett
Good News
Mrs. Nielsen kicked off the week at Monday Morning Meeting teaching us about Awe and Wonderment. Our HoM focus of the month. @pringarrett
over 5 years ago, Principal Garrett
K Nielsen
It's the first day of Arts in Education Week! We'd like to thank all the Fine Arts staff who give our students opportunities to be creative and express themselves along with our general ed teachers who incorporate the arts into their daily lessons. 🎭🖼🎵❤️ #ArtEdWeek
over 5 years ago, Harrisburg School District
Arts Ed Week
Goose Chase winners and more fun prizes at the staff meeting today! @pringarrett
over 5 years ago, Principal Garrett
staff 2
Band Instructor Jacobsen nominated this 5th grader for his enthusiasm and persistence on his new instrument. The office staff enjoyed a performance showcasing his skills. #GoodNewsCallOfTheDay @pringarrett
over 5 years ago, Principal Garrett
Good News
This young lady gives hugs and smiles daily and was helping 2nd graders today with a new lunch procedure. We appreciate her kindness. #GoodNewsCallOfTheDay @ pringarrett
over 5 years ago, Principal Garrett
Good News
This young lady was spotted by the principal being compassionate to a classmate and Tiger Walking back to class. Mom was beyond proud to get the #GoodNewsCallOfThe Day @pringarrett
over 5 years ago, Principal Garrett
Mrs. Nielsen nominated this 3rd grader for the #GoodNewsCallOfTheDay for showing perseverance through fall benchmark testing. Way to go! @pringarrett #MadeMomProud
over 5 years ago, Principal Garrett
Good News!
Ms. Massey and some 5th graders helped review PAWS at Tuesday Morning Meeting following the long weekend. Ask you child where they see PAWS! @ pringarrett #PBISSchool
over 5 years ago, Principal Garrett
Morning Meeting!
This new to Horizon 3rd grader was an awesome friend and role model to a new to Horizon 1st grader at extra recess. We gave mom the #GoodNewsCallOfTheDay to share how proud we are of this amazing young lady! @pringarrett
over 5 years ago, Principal Garrett
Celebrating our first full week of school & learning PAWS expectations with an extra recess PAWS Party! @pringarrett
over 5 years ago, Principal Garrett
extra recess
extra recess 2
A reminder there will be no school on Monday, September 2nd. Enjoy the Labor Day Weekend! 🇺🇸🐯
over 5 years ago, Harrisburg School District