This learned is rocking his long division problems. We gave mom the #GoodNewsCallOfTheDay @pringarrett
about 6 years ago, Principal Garrett
This learner was spotted helping a fellow first grader in the lunch line. She gave the #GoodNewsOfTheDay call to mom!
about 6 years ago, Principal Garrett
Good News
Tiger on Track learners for the month of November. These learners were taking/trying new things! @pringarrett
about 6 years ago, Principal Garrett
PAWSiTive Note Drawing winners for November - congrats!
about 6 years ago, Principal Garrett
Elementary Honors Choir Singers lead the school in singing to the December Birthdays at Monday Morning Meeting!
about 6 years ago, Principal Garrett
Elementary Honors Choir
Peer sharing & teaching!
about 6 years ago, Principal Garrett
This learner took a risk and went outside his comfort zone today. Mom received the #GoodNewsCallOfTheDay @pringarrett
about 6 years ago, Principal Garrett
This learner was spotted keeping younger learners safe in the drop off/bus loop so mom got the #GoodNewsCallOfTheDay @pringarrett
about 6 years ago, Principal Garrett
This learner was nominated for the #GoodNewsCallOfTheDay by Mr. Wechsler for helping classmates during math. Mom enjoyed the call! @pringarrett
about 6 years ago, Principal Garrett
An important reminder during this time of year. Be safe out there, Tigers!
about 6 years ago, Harrisburg School District
Be safe out there!
This learners persistence and new found love of math has Mrs. Kirton nominating her for the #GoodNewsCallOfTheDay @pringarrett
about 6 years ago, Principal Garrett
What's Inside Wednesday in 5E
about 6 years ago, Principal Garrett
This 4th grader was giving compliments and helped to decorate this beautiful KIND sign. Mom was so excited to get the #GoodNewsCallOfTheDay via email. @pringarrett #SpreadKindness
about 6 years ago, Principal Garrett
Registration is open for the December 1st Science Saturday! This session will have a “HOLIDAY” theme. Have your 3rd-5th grade student join us Saturday, December 1st from 9:00 am - Noon at Harrisburg High School (Harrisburg and out-of-district children welcome). Elementary students will rotate through eight hands-on breakout sessions put together by our own HHS HOSA members. The cost is $20.00 per student, to be paid at registration (checks can be made out to HHS HOSA and include your child’s name on the memo line). Please see the flyer below and attached for more information.
about 6 years ago, Harrisburg School District
Science Saturday
This learner was so kind asking teachers about their Thanksgiving Break. When I went to find her for the #GoodNewsCallOfTheDay she was in the library helping Mrs. Reiland. Mom was thrilled to get the call! @pringarrett
about 6 years ago, Principal Garrett
Good News!
Idiom Plays from 4K
about 6 years ago, Principal Garrett
4K 5
4K sharing their Idiom Plays the day before Thanksgiving Break!
about 6 years ago, Principal Garrett
4K Play
4K Play 2
4K Play 3
4K Play 4
This actor did an amazing job in the idiom play and was today's #GoodNewsCallOfTheDay @pringarrett
about 6 years ago, Principal Garrett
Good News
We appreciate our Tray Monitors! They help each day in the lunchroom.
about 6 years ago, Principal Garrett
Tray Monitors
This learner called to tell mom and dad that his robot entry name was going to the finals! #GoodNewsCallOfTheDay @pringarrett
about 6 years ago, Principal Garrett
Good News