It was a family affair during Community Service Day - NMS & Horizon!
over 6 years ago, Principal Garrett
Community Service Day
NMS visits Horizon Elementary for Community Service Day!
over 6 years ago, Principal Garrett
NMS - Community Day
This learner was nominated by Mrs. Kirton for working hard and quietly each and everyday of school. Grandma's week was made when she got the #GoodNewsCallOfTheDay @pringarrett
over 6 years ago, Principal Garrett
Class Color Day at Horizon! @pringarrett
over 6 years ago, Principal Garrett
Class Color Day
Mr. Koranda's Class Goes Hawaiian!
over 6 years ago, Principal Garrett
Staff having fun on Homecoming - career day and Hawaiian Day!
over 6 years ago, Principal Garrett
Career Day
Aloha from Horizon!! Hawaiian Day was great fun! Be sure to wear Class Colors tomorrow!
over 6 years ago, Horizon Elementary
1st Grade Teachers
5th Grade Learners
Beach Chairs
Mr. Koranda's 2nd Grade Class
This learner stopped to help answer questions and help get a classmate back on. track. We gave mom the #GoodNewsCallOfTheDay @pringarrett
over 6 years ago, Principal Garrett
So much creativity at Horizon on Career Day! Join us as we go tropical with Hawaiian Day tomorrow!
over 6 years ago, Horizon Elementary
Career Day 1
Miss Foss's 1st Grade Class
Mrs. Burwitz's 2nd Grade Class
This learner followed directions and had her best kindergarten day yet!
over 6 years ago, Principal Garrett
This learner was noticed by Mrs. Decker for his exceptional manners. Dad got the #GoodNewsCallofTheDay @princgarrett
over 6 years ago, Horizon - Lisa Garrett
The Kindergarten Team Rocking the 80's for Homecoming!
over 6 years ago, Principal Garrett
Staff and learners alike kicked off Homecoming Week in style for Decade Day! We look forward to more fun tomorrow on Career Day - what will YOU be when you grow up??
over 6 years ago, Stacy Decker
Mr. Kiger's 5th Grade Class
Staff - Decade Day
Celebrating Homecoming by rocking the decades today!
over 6 years ago, Principal Garrett
2P and 5K are talking about urban and suburban housing. They are building a house with all kinds of materials!
over 6 years ago, Horizon - Lisa Garrett
2P & 5K
This new learner to Horizon has been helpful, kind and gives the best hugs. We gave mom the #GoodNewsOfTheDay
over 6 years ago, Principal Garrett
Good News
The 4th Grade Team keeping learners safe in the pick up loop! Please read drop off/pick up procedures found in Tiger Tuesday.
over 6 years ago, Principal Garrett
This first grade learner took a new student under her wing and taught the school expectations and showed her where everything is. She gave mom the #GoodNewsCallOfTheDay @pringarrett
over 6 years ago, Principal Garrett
good news
Back by popular demand - Lunch Menus! Visit the Child Nutrition Link at the top of your school's webpage.
over 6 years ago, JoAnne VerMulm
Lunch Menus Available
HHS Drama Club Presents: Tiger Varieties 2018!!! Come support the talented cast & crew on Monday, September 10 @ 6 PM in the HHS PAC. Tickets are available at the door.
over 6 years ago, HHS Drama Club
Variety Show Poster