We had fun with Jersey Day to end our SoUPER BOWL Food Drive. The NFC North was well represented at Horizon even though they will not be in the Super Bowl this year. Thanks to all the students who brought donations and made this a fun competition! @pringarrett
almost 4 years ago, Principal Garrett
food drive
A reminder there will be NO SCHOOL February 11 - 15th. 🐾
almost 4 years ago, Harrisburg School District
Mrs. Nielsen nominated this very deserving Horizon Tiger for the #GoodNewsCallOfTheDay because of her desire to help others and because she celebrates her peers’ accomplishments. I think we have a future teacher on our hands! @pringarrett
almost 4 years ago, Principal Garrett
Good News
This learner has been helping friends with class activities and helping them make PAWS choices. Dad was happy when we made the #GoodNewsCallOfTheDay. #TogetherIsBetter @pringarrett
almost 4 years ago, Principal Garrett
good news
good news
We are enjoying the new art work on display in the front office. Meet the Artist. @pringarrett
almost 4 years ago, Principal Garrett
Mrs. Nielsen was smiling today when she received these cleaning supplies. Thank you for keeping 3N clean! @pringarrett
almost 4 years ago, Principal Garrett
This little guy has rocked his day! First one ready for recess and working hard in classroom! Also continued his focused learning in ACES Class. @pringarrett #GoodNewsCallOfTheDay
almost 4 years ago, Principal Garrett
Good news
When your JK/K Team comes in color coordinated pants, you take a picture. #NotPlanned @pringarrett
almost 4 years ago, Principal Garrett
Motivational Monday - make it a great one!
almost 4 years ago, Principal Garrett
WOW - 100 days of in person learning! We are thankful to the school board, administration, staff and families for all they are doing to keep us safe and learning at Horizon! @pringarrett
almost 4 years ago, Principal Garrett
100 Days!
What better way to start the week at Horizon than with #MotivationalMonday shirts AND a celebration of Mrs. Anderson for #NationalSchoolCounselingWeek! Thank you, Mrs. Anderson, for your ongoing encouragement and support of #TeamHorizon!
almost 4 years ago, Horizon Elementary
The 100th day is just around the corner so we celebrated this K Kid persisting and writing his numbers from 1 - 100 today!! Mom was thrilled when we called with the #GoodNewsCallOfTheDay @pringarrett
almost 4 years ago, Principal Garrett
Good news
Shout out to the Terrific Tiger who gifted #TeamHorizon with this amazing artwork today! Such incredible talent and an encouraging message, too. Many thanks to her family for also providing yummy snacks as a midweek boost for the Staff. What a wonderful surprise!
almost 4 years ago, Horizon Elementary
student art
This K Kid rocked his Math today and counted from 0-100! He also counted by tens to 100! Mom helped celebrate when we made the #GoodNewsCallOfTheDay @pringarrett
almost 4 years ago, Principal Garrett
Good News
good News2
Good morning and Happy Tuesday, Horizon families! The PeachJar server is experiencing difficulties, so the regular Tuesday email may be delayed until later this week. Thank you for your patience and understanding.
almost 4 years ago, Horizon Elementary
Motivational Mondays at Horizon Elementary - #DontCrushMyVibe #DoTheNiceThing #Love
almost 4 years ago, Principal Garrett
These boys helped to brighten Mrs. Kerkaert's day! #CloroxWipesAlwaysWelcome
about 4 years ago, Principal Garrett
Clorox Wipes
The #GoodNewsClassOfTheDay was 4K for their persistence, respect of each other, and hard work this morning. Wow - all 26 present and spot on for a day of learning! @pringarrett
about 4 years ago, Principal Garrett
Good News Class
During math time this 2nd grader was helping another learner who was stuck on a problem in math. She taught them how to solve the problem. She has been a great role model and helper all year. Today mom's phone rang with #TheGoodNewsCallOfTheDay @pringarrett
about 4 years ago, Principal Garrett
Good News
This K Kid has been helpful around the classroom and very supportive to teachers and classmates. Way to rock it and make mom's day with the #GoodNewsCallOfTheDay ! @pringarrett
about 4 years ago, Principal Garrett
Good news